In this April Fool's edition of Household Hacker, we will show you how to prank a roommate, sibling or anyone really.... Follow the video instructions and have a fun day. First the table smash, then t ...

Learn how to not only get telemarketers to stop calling you, but also how to sue them -- for up to $8000. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...

Want to prank someone over breakfast? Well here is the ultimate practical joke. Follow along with this practical joke how-to video to learn how to write a secret ghost message on an egg that will appe ...

This was a one shot prank that requires prepping. Earlier in the day, I told the victim, that I wanted her to do a promo for my "New Easter video". I told her to go outside, get my bunny and come bac ...

Roommates cleared out fridge so they could jump out and scare the others. Be careful not to close the door and forget someone is in the fridge. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day ...

Prank a toilet by rigging it to squirt water on anyone who flushes it. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...

I guess he shouldn't have taken the shower that the man with the ice bucket always used. Hilarious ice shower prank from freshman year! Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...

Pull a prank by rigging a drawer or cabinet with a party popper firework. Whoever opens the drawer is in for a scare. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...

Prank someone by making a pre-sliced banana that will fall to pieces when someone unpeels it. They'll have no idea you've already tampered with the fruit for this prank. You'll need a needle and some ...