
Practical Jokes & Pranks

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Dec 7, 2015

This is a compilation of homemade pranks you can pull off on friends and family members using simple everyday household items. They're very funny and make great April Fools Day Practical jokes! ...

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Nov 29, 2015

Basically you're going to take a can of your victim's favorite canned snack and remove the label. You'll place it back on but upside down so that the tab is now underneath. The end result will frustra ...

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Sep 1, 2015

This is a compilation of 5 of the best evil pranks that you can get away with doing on your friends and family. The best part of this is that you'll only need everyday household items you already have ...

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Aug 29, 2015

The following is a compilation of 5 super mean pranks you can set up on friends and family members at home, you'll only need household times which most of you already have, such as cereal box, plastic ...

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Aug 28, 2015

The title says it all, Using tape and a bottle of coca cola I cleverly came up with this sneaky Hair Brush booby trap. Your victims will not see this coming until its too late. It works every time!For ...

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Aug 28, 2015

The following are some fun booby traps you can set up on friends and family members. They don't require much, just simple everyday household items.O course you will need items such as coke, mentor, oa ...

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Aug 28, 2015

This is a funny video that describes how lunch is prepared in front of a Welsh Terrier. He is actually really good at separating the meat from the "not so good" greens;) ...

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Aug 16, 2015

The following are 5 really mean pranks you can pull off at school on classmates or if you're brave enough on a teacher. Only school supplies will be needed for these pranks, such as pencils, pens, era ...

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Jul 11, 2015

Here's a collection of 5 of the best household pranks you can pull off on friends and family members! some are very easy and some you'll have to go out and purchase a couple of items but no matter who ...

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Jun 28, 2015

There are some practical jokes that are funny and will give everyone a good laugh including the person being prank, There there are those pranks that will annoy and infuriate anyone. These 5 pranks wi ...